Natural Science Portfolio Day 2 - INVENTIONS mayo 17, 2020 Inventions influence many aspects of life, such as transport and communication. In the past, trains used the steam from hot water to move. Today they use diesel, electricity and magnets for power. The first computer was invented in 1837. The first telephone in 1876. Today we use smartphones. Smartphones act as a telephone and computer. The first aeroplane was invented in 1903 and could carry one person for 30 minutes. Today’s aeroplanes carry hundreds of people and can fly very long distances. Famous Inventions Here you have a list of famous inventions that helped change the world. Famous-inventions Compartir Obtener enlace Facebook X Pinterest Correo electrónico Otras aplicaciones Etiquetas Natural Science Compartir Obtener enlace Facebook X Pinterest Correo electrónico Otras aplicaciones Comentarios
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LAS PALABRAS DERIVADAS marzo 23, 2020 Las palabras derivadas se forman a partir de otras llamadas palabras primitivas, a las que se añaden diferentes terminaciones o sufijos. -ERO -ERA -ISTA -OR -ORA -ERÍA Pinterest Material para reforzar este contenido: Leer más
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